일중항 핵분열 태양 전지: 햇빛을 전기로 변환하는 효율적인 방법

Scientists from MIT have sensitized existing silicon 태양의 cells by singlet exciton fission method. This can increase efficiency of 태양의 cells from 18 percent to as high as 35 percent thus doubling energy output thereby reducing costs of solar technology.

화석 연료에 대한 의존도를 줄이고 지속 가능한 미래를 위한 기술을 구축하는 것이 필수적입니다. 태양 광 발전 의 재생 가능한 소스입니다 에너지 어디에 light is converted into electrical energy. 태양 전지 are most commonly made of silicon which uses photovoltaic process to transform 햇빛 into electricity. Tandem cells are also being designed which generally include perovskites cells where every section of the 태양의 cells can harness energy from its varied spectrum and thus have higher efficiency. Solar cells available today are limited by their efficiency which is just 15-22 percent.

3월 XNUMX일자에 발표된 연구 자연 실리콘 태양의 cell efficiencies could be raised to as high as 35 percent by applying an effect called singlet exciton fission. In this effect a single particle of light (photon) can generate two electron-hole pairs as opposed to only one. Single exciton fission is seen in many materials since its discovery in the 1970s. The current study aimed to translate this effect for the first time into a viable 태양의 셀.

Researchers transferred single exciton fission effect from tetracene – a known material which exhibits it – into crystalline silicon. This material tetracene is a hydrocarbon 유기적인 semiconductor. The transfer was achieved by placing an additional thin layer of hafnium oxynitride (8 angstrom) between excitonic tetracene layer and silicon 태양의 cell and coupling them.

This tiny hafnium oxynitride layer acted as a bridge and made possible the generation of high energy photons in the tetracene layer which then triggered release of two electrons in the silicon cell as opposed to the usual one. This sensitization of silicon 태양의 cell reduced thermalization losses and enabled better sensitivity to light. The energy output of the 태양의 cells doubled as more output was generated from green and blue parts of the spectrum. This can enhance the efficiency of 태양의 cells to as high as 35 percent. The technology differs from the tandem solar cells as it just adds more current to the silicon without adding additional cells.

현재 연구는 효율성을 증가시켜 태양광 기술의 전체 에너지 생성 비용을 줄일 수 있는 즉석에서 단일항 핵분열 실리콘 태양 전지를 시연했습니다.


{아래 인용 출처 목록에서 DOI 링크를 클릭하면 원본 연구 논문을 읽을 수 있습니다.}


Einzinger, M. et al. 2019. 테트라센에서 단일항 여기자 분열에 의한 실리콘의 감도. 자연. 571.

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