일로프로스트(Iloprost)는 중증 동상 치료에 대해 FDA 승인을 받았습니다.

Iloprost, a synthetic prostacyclin analog used as vasodilator to 치료 pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), has been approved by the U.S. 음식 and Drug Administration for treatment of severe frostbite. This is first approved 약물 치료 in the USA to treat severe frostbite in adults to reduce the risk of amputation.

Frostbite is a serious condition that require immediate 의료 attention. It is caused due to exposure to freezing temperature long enough to allow ice crystals to form in the tissues. People working outdoors in cold regions such as security personals, industrial workers, mountaineers or hikers etc are usually affected by frostbite. Amputation of fingers and toes because of frostbite is common in such regions despite advances in 건강 케어 서비스.

Iloprost는 합성 프로스타사이클린 유사체입니다. 이는 혈관 수축을 역전시키고 혈소판 활성화를 억제하며 혈관 확장제 역할을 하며 혈관을 열고 혈액 응고를 예방합니다. 2004년에 폐동맥고혈압(PAH) 치료용으로 처음 승인되었습니다.

Iloprost and thrombolytics are beneficial for treating frostbite. In Canada, 환자 with severe frostbite involving freezing of skin and underlying tissues and stoppage of blood flow have been successfully treated with iloprost. The old drug has now been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA는) 심한 동상 치료에 사용됩니다.

XNUMXD덴탈의 FDA는 granted the approval to Eicos Sciences Inc. to manufacture iloprost for treatment of severe frostbite by the brandname “Aurlumyn”.


참조 :

  1. FDA는 Approves First Medication to Treat Severe Frostbite. Posted on 14 February 2024. Available at
  2. Regli, IB, Oberhammer, R., Zafren, K. 등. 동상 치료: 메타 분석을 통한 체계적인 검토. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 31, 96(2023).
  3. Poole A. 및 Gauthier J. 2016. 캐나다 북부에서 iloprost를 사용한 심한 동상 치료. CMAJ 06년 2016월 188일 17 (18-1255) 1258-XNUMX; DOI:
  4. Gruber, E., Oberhammer, R., Brugger, H. 등. 심한 저체온증과 심한 동상으로 인해 거의 23시간 동안 지속된 심각한 눈사태 매몰과 양호한 회복: 증례 보고. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 32, 11(2024).


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