심우주 광통신(DSOC): NASA의 레이저 테스트  

라디오 frequency based deep 공간 communication faces constraints due to low bandwidth and increasing need of high data transmission rates. Laser or optical based system has potential to break the communication constraints. NASA has tested laser communications against extreme distances and demonstrated high-bandwidth communications in deep 공간 when it beamed to Earth an ultra-high-definition video via laser from a distance of 32 million km, from Psyche spacecraft which is currently travelling through deep 공간 to metal-rich asteroid Psyche located in the asteroid belt between 화성 and Jupiter. This was first demonstration of optical communications beyond the Moon. Deep 스페이스 버튼 Network (DSN) antenna received both 라디오 frequency and near-infrared laser signals.  

깊은 안마 공간 communication is mostly conducted using radio frequencies. However, radio frequency-based system cannot meet current and future communication needs of 공간 sector in view of limited bandwidth and ever-increasing demand of high data transmission rates.  

On the other hand, laser or optical based communication offer many advantages in terms of large bandwidths, high data rate links and low SWaP (size, weight and power) terminals. It has the potential to enhance data rates 10 to 100 times the capacity of most sophisticated radio systems currently in use thus can break the communication constraints. Hence, the imperative to advance optical communications for high-capacity deep 공간 communications capable of meeting future interplanetary data transmission needs.   

깊은 안마 스페이스 버튼 Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment is a technology demonstration payload onboard Psyche spacecraft which is currently travelling through deep 공간 to metal-rich 소행성 소행성대 사이에 위치한 프시케 화성 and Jupiter. In December 2023, it demonstrated high-bandwidth communications in deep 공간 when it beamed to Earth an ultra-high-definition video via laser from 32 million km in deep space. This was first demonstration of optical communications beyond the Moon.   

깊은 스페이스 버튼 Network (DSN) is network of facilities located in different parts of the world to communicate with faraway spacecrafts exploring solar system. An experimental antenna of this network received both radio and laser signals beamed from Psyche spacecraft in deep space. This suggests that DSN antennas which currently communicate with spacecrafts via radio signals could be retrofitted for laser communications.  


참조 :  

  1. Karmous S., et al 2022. 광통신이 심우주 통신의 미래를 어떻게 형성할 수 있습니까? 설문 조사. 사전 인쇄 arXiv. DOI: 
  1. 로빈슨 학사, 2023. 우주 탐사 및 과학을 위한 광통신. 광섬유 통신 컨퍼런스 2023. 
  1. NASA의 기술 데모는 레이저를 통해 심우주에서 최초의 비디오를 스트리밍합니다. 게시일: 18년 2023월 XNUMX일. 
  1. NASA. 뉴스 - NASA의 새로운 실험용 안테나가 심우주 레이저를 추적합니다. 게시일: 08년 2024월 XNUMX일. 사용 가능 시간: 
  1. 심우주 광통신(DSOC) 
  1. 미션 프시케.  
  1. NASA의 심층 우주 네트워크(DSN)  


우메시 프라사드
우메시 프라사드
과학 저널리스트 | Scientific European 잡지 창립 편집자


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