JAXA(일본 항공우주 탐사국), 달 연착륙 능력 달성  

JAXA, Japan’s 공간 agency has successfully soft landed “조사용 스마트 랜더 (슬림)” 켜짐 달의 표면. 이로써 일본은 5번째 국가가 됐다. 달 연착륙 미국, 소련, 중국, 인도 다음으로 높은 수준이다. 

이번 임무는 소형·경량 탐사선 시스템과 핀포인트 착륙 기술을 달성하는 동시에 미래에 기여하는 것을 목표로 한다. 달의 프로브. 

XNUMXD덴탈의 일본 항공 우주 탐사 기관 (JAXA) has confirmed that the Smart Lander for Investigating (SLIM) successfully landed on the 위성 surface on January 20, 2024, at 0:20 am (JST). Communication with 우주선 has been established after the landing. 

However, the solar cells are currently not generating power, and priority is given to data acquisition from the SLIM on the 위성. Detailed analysis of the acquired data will be conducted in the future, and we will continue to share any updates on the situation. 

날씬한 is a small-scale exploration lander designed for pinpoint landings on the surface, reduction in the size and weight of equipment used in landings, and investigation into the origins. It will also test technology fundamental to exploration in low-gravity environments, an important requirement for future scientific investigation of the solar system.  


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